Friday, May 28, 2010

Nutella: I love you.

Let me tell you about my first encounter with Nutella. It is a memory forever imprinted in my brain and I always remember it every time I eat Nutella.

I was around 8 years old at that time. I was in San Diego, California shopping at Costco with my aunt and parents. Naturally, I had to explore and since my dad told me I could get whatever I wanted, I went around Costco happily. (my love affair with food started when I was really really young) With my younger brother in tow, we went around Costco looking for new junk to absorb into our bodies. While we were going around, a very nice lady called out to us asking us if we wanted a sample. She each gave us a cracker with a chocolate thingy on top. I took a bite and I was forever hooked. I wanted more but she wouldn't give us after 3 crackers. I had to ask our nanny to get for us but she only got 2. There started my obsession with Nutella.

Here are yummy Nutella cupcakes. The cupcakes have a hint of Nutella, that wonderful chocolatey nutty and buttery taste. Topped with luscious creamy Nutella vanilla buttercream frosting and a little bit of chocolate chips to add some crunch. I also added gold Dragées for added contrast and I think it makes a very pretty and delicious cupcake. :)



ChichaJo said...

I also LOVE Nutella! One of my favorite things :) I am sure these cupcakes are delicious!

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